
Computing Power Paradigm Shift

So I have noticed that I am now part of a paradigm shift.  I am not talking about a major shift in assumptions here nor the dreaded marketing speak, but a shift in how I consume my computing power.   I personally see computers as part of our lives now.  By far we are not the Star Trek characters known as Binars...  yet...  But I noticed having grown up as a small child entering the computer revolution and the loving geekdom that my life became, that it was about how bad ass your 286, 386 and 486 rigs could be!   Ok that dates me.  The Pentium entered the scene when I was in my OAC or grade 13 year in high school.

But I digress, back to the point.  I feel that unless you are a serious gamer or somebody who requires graphics, or scientific computing power, that its no longer about how powerful your PC is.  I realized this (at least for myself) in the last few days as I was getting increasingly frustrated with my Samsung Galaxy Note.

This is a very fine phone.  In fact, for most people its more than they need.  I however want the best from my mobile device.  I use it more than I do my own laptop now.  It keeps me posted on new messages, I take calls on it, I listen to music on it.  a LOT of music on it.  While I do that, I am usually playing a game, watching a movie, surfing,or reading and replying to emails before I arrive at the office.

Since I used my phone so much, I began to get frustrated at the slowness it would have to switch between tasks.  Since I used so many apps frequently, it had issues keeping up with my scatter minded multitasking.  I found that it was becoming too slow.

So even though my laptop is a MacBook Pro Core 2 Duo with 8GB Ram, and I run flight simulators and musical editing suites, it was primary for me to have a better, faster phone.  Lets face it, the Laptop I have does its job.  This is where I realized as I walked out of the local wireless store with my Samsung Galaxy Note 2 in hand, in a mild state of cognitive dissonance,  that I was more willing to drop my hard earned money on a new phone rather than a new Laptop or an upgrade.

I have entered the computing power paradigm shift.  Its all about the portable device now.  I never thought in my increasingly luddite mind that this would ever happen, but hey, perhaps I am not going to become a luddite after all!  I am ahead of the curve?


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