
Android Saturation, Day 2

Day 2 of Android saturation.  Today I spent some time trying to get my tools that I may need to take support calls.  Since I carry a support phone for work, I may need to connect to client web servers to check out any issues. 

So today i spent some time going through the Google  Play Store offerings on free SSH Clients.  There were a few, but many would not work with special characters in passwords, or would have font sizes that were fixed and one need a micron microscope to see them.

There was one shining star.   Its called VX ConnectBot. It was able to accept my passwords with special characters and increase the font sizes.  So now I am able to connect to my office desktop via VPN and SSH.  From there I can access in-house tools to connect and access client systems,.

Today's App is VX ConnectBot.  Very elegant application.

Until Day 3

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